Let’s talk about new things

My life looks nothing like it did a year ago, or even like it did six months ago. And it has taken time for me to be okay with that.

I don’t want to talk about my struggles in this post though, not the entire time anyways. And I may repeat myself a bit, but that’s just because I want to make sure this point gets across.

You see, Aslan is on the move.

God has recently gotten my attention and reminded me of something that I’ve forgotten somewhere along my way. Something that is so important to remember about Him. Something I think can – and should – change perspectives.

It certainly is changing mine.

It’s not something that Jesus followers don’t know already,  it’s simply hidden away in the back of our minds, in a box labeled as “eh, might need it, but probably not.” We learn it, because it’s in the Bible, but we don’t really learn it.

Here’s what I forgot: God does new things – always new things.

Isaiah 43:19, Ezekiel 36:26, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Revelation 21:5.

God is always doing a new thing – in us, through us, for us, and in spite of us.

And I forgot that, for a long time. Because new things generally either scare me or stress me out. Even new superhero movies which are supposed to fun for everyone (looking at you, Marvel).

But God makes all things new, and His mercies are new every morning.

I think we forget that. And because we forget that, we unintentionally limit His power in our lives. We get trapped into a routine and a culture that makes no room for the King. We are lured in by lies and lulled into complacency.  And then, because we forget that God is in the business of doing new things, we stay there – we stay there and we wonder where God is if He’s really so great.

We blame God for our circumstances and situations, instead of admitting that we made decisions that had very real consequences. Just us. So we get surly, and complacent, and decide to give up and accept a life that is so much less than what we were created for.

But God does new things.

We just have to be open and listening to Him.

New things are scary, I get that, believe me. They will more than likely be tough. They might take some time and effort. And God may not give you all of the details you want right when you want them. But none of that negates the wonders of whatever His new work in your life may be.

The new thing may not look like anything you ever thought you wanted. It could be a new job, a new mission, a new song, a new product, a new book, a new friendship, a new relationship, an old relationship restored, a new business, a new perspective, a new calling. Who knows what it will look like when finished, but it will be new and good and holy because that’s what God does.

In all honesty, I don’t know what the finished product of this new thing God is doing in my life will look like. And that terrifies me, truly.

But I’m leaning in, reading my Bible more thoughtfully, and praying more consistently because I’m excited about this new thing that God is doing – whatever it might be.

One thought on “Let’s talk about new things

  1. Wow Sydney,
    That was awesomely insightful. We old people do have a lot left to reflect on and can be reminded of that through our younger generation. Thank you

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